Mile High Magazine 10/29/2023 S.H.A.R.E, INC

Guest: Jody Strouse Executive Director Domestic violence is not just physical, it can also be emotional, spiritual, financial, it can come in a lot of forms.  Emotionally abusive is betting them down emotionally down every day.  Spiritually, is take away their belief in a higher power.  Gaslighting or crazy making is when the person turns the story around and the victim believe them.  S.H.A.R.E, INC offers emotional support for the victims, they also have children’s groups so they victim does not need to find childcare, financial support, they will also help with paperwork if they cannot afford lawyers.  If someone realizes they are in a domestic violence relationship, they should get in contact with an agency that can help them get out safely and create a safety plan.

Published: Monday, October 30, 2023   |   Runtime: 15:55