Mile High Magazine 02/18/2024 Med-Fit

Guest: Dr. Angela Tran, DO Internal Medicine Doctor and Obesity Expert Your heart is one of the most important organs in your body.  Being overweight can put you are a higher risk for higher cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure, all of which could lead to a heart attack or a stroke.  The extra weight puts more load on your heart and it can cause strain and restrict the blood flood.  Good fats we can consume are avocado, almonds, walnuts, fatty fish.  Health fats can help lower your cholesterol and blood pressure.  The bad fats are in butter, creams and oils, even meats high in fat.  Knowing your numbers helps you understand what adjustments you need in your diet.  High sugar can also affect the walls of your blood vessels, when vessels are damaged, it makes you more at risk for infections or other medical issues.  Some simple things to lose weight are making sure you have 10,000 steps a day, eating more healthy fats and lean proteins, even getting a restful sleep.  If you take care of your heart, it will take care of you.

Published: Monday, February 19, 2024   |   Runtime: 15:33