Mile High Magazine 02/11/2024 Rocky Mountain Children’s Health Foundation  

 Guest: Cathy Sandoval Executive Director Rocky Mountain Children’s Health Foundation believes no family with a sick child should have to go through that experience alone.  They help the families get through the crisis so they family can focus on their child getting better.  Financially they help families buy groceries, gas or even living expenses in some cases.  Emotional support, they have two different K9 programs.  The first program, matches kids with an emotional support dog that are with them for life.  The other program, they take the dog to the hospital to interact with the kids to help when they are feeling down.  They also help with nutritional support, one program they use is The Mothers Milk Bank.  Coming up on February 24th is the 12th annual Kaleidoscope Gala at the Ritz-Carlton in downtown Denver.

Published: Monday, February 12, 2024   |   Runtime: 15:27