Mile High Magazine 10/13/2024 Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control
Guest: Chuck Altvater CRR & Education Branch Chief Every year the National Fire Prevention Association sponsors national fire prevention week, that week is always the week of the Great Chicago fire that happened in 1871. Every year they have a theme and this year’s theme is Smoke Alarms, Make them work for you. If smoke alarms do not work, then they will not work for you. Due to technology, smoke alarms are getting better, and the batteries will last 10 years. Smoke alarms need to be replaced every 10 years. If you cannot afford smoke alarms, go to your local fire department and they will help you find affordable smoke detectors. You should be testing your smoke alarms every month, which is also a good time to talk to your family about a fire escape plan. It is recommend everyone's sleep with their bedroom door closed and latched at night, it creates a barrier to the person sleeping in the bedroom. A hollow core door buys you about 20 minutes of protection from even raging fire on the other side.
Published: Wednesday, October 16, 2024 | Runtime: 15:19