Mile High Magazine 1/19/2025 Colorado Human Trafficking Council

Guest: Maria Trujillo Division of Criminal Justice January is national human trafficking prevention month, it is a month dedicated to helping raise awareness for everyone.  Human trafficking consists of the denial of a person’s human rights to freedom and basic dignity. It's the exploitation of another person to force fraud or coercion for some type of labor, including within the commercial sex sector, as well as other industries such as traveling sales, crew, agriculture, construction. Hospitality, just to name a few.  The majority of human trafficking is in labor trafficking versus sex trafficking and both of those happen in Colorado.  A lot of people don't know and don't have the language to describe their situation as human trafficking.  The Colorado Human Trafficking Council has a campaign that will help you understand all of this and how to report it.

Published: Thursday, January 23, 2025   |   Runtime: 16:31