Beyond The Badge – Sgt. Kevin Jamison
Nov 16, 2017, 2:28 PM | Updated: Aug 1, 2024, 8:11 pm
This week, we’re proud to salute Sergeant Kein Jamison of the Erie Police Department.
Sergeant Jamison has been employed by the Erie Police Department for 19 years. He has most recently been assigned as the Detective Sergeant, overseeing the Investigations Unit as well as the School Resource Officers and acting as a Police liaison for special events in the Town of Erie. In 2017, Sergeant Jamison took the lead on the investigation of the Town of Erie’s first recorded homicide. Sergeant Jamison serves as a member of the Critical Incident Response Team in both Boulder and Weld County. He also partnered with the Chamber of Commerce to make sure special events such as the annual Erie Town Fair have the necessary support from the police department. Prior to this assignment, Sergeant Jamison served as a Patrol Sergeant for 13 years.
During his time with the Erie Police Department, Sergeant Jamison has continued to be both a formal and informal leader. He is a former instructor in arrest control techniques and firearms, and has served on the Boulder County SWAT Team. He has been a Field Training Officer for new officers, and more recently has been tasked with training any newly promoted Corporals or Sergeants in Patrol. He has received numerous awards in his career, including two Life Saving Awards, three Merit Awards, a Distinguished Service Cross, a STAR (Superior Tactics and Response) Award, a Leadership Award and Employee of the Year.
In addition to his distinguished service to the department and community in his roles as an Officer and as a Sergeant, Sergeant Jamison often works on projects which benefit the department or improve the overall appearance of our building. When our new police department was built, Sergeant Jamison met with members of the community who had historical pieces related to police and had a connection to the Town. These items were gathered and placed on display in wooden cases in the new building for the community to enjoy. He often works on woodwork or craft projects to create a more aesthetically pleasing environment for the officers and for members of the community who tour our facility.
Whether he is working with his Detectives to solve major cases and assist crime victims, or setting the example for new supervisors or even working on a craft project, Sergeant Jamison gives his all to help the department and the community of the Town of Erie.
Thank you, Sergeant Kevin Jamison…for going Beyond the Badge.